Digital Green Book
I’m a huge fan of the show Lovecraft Country. The show is set in the 1950’s and the family at the center of the show publishes a Travel book. This book is specifically to assist Black motorists driving around the part of the United States that the family lives in. This exploration is key to the events that occur during the show. What does this have to do with today’s conversation? It’s the genesis of everything that my two guests are in the process of creating. I love this episode and I hope you leave with a deeper understanding of the project, why it’s still relevant and hopefully support the project in some sort of way.
* In order for me to support my blogging activities, I may receive monetary compensation or other types of remuneration for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial and/or link to any products or services from this blog. Please read my disclosure here.*
Thinking About Starting a Travel Website?
It’s pretty simple to do and cheap! Start with Siteground and With this winning combination you’ll own your own website by the end of the day. And, Siteground has easy to follow tutorials to help you with setting up your site.
Listen to the Show
Show Notes
- Crystal Egli and Parker McMullen Bushman from Inclusive Journeys and Eco Inclusive
- The dynamic duo shares how they met. It’s hilarious.
- The 6 degrees of separation in CO is really 1 degree
- What are sundown towns? Unfortunately, they still exist.
- The Negro Motorist Greenbook published from 1936-1960
- Crystal came up with an updated idea
- They discuss the issue of unconscious bias and interactions
- Parker and Crystal bring up an idea that I found incredibly intriguing. The business case for inclusion.
- The ladies share how the Digital Green Book differs from the original resource.
- The Yelp for Inclusivity
- The Digital Greenbook has one of the stated goals of quantifying the lived experiences of discomfort of visible identities.
- Crystal shares an intensely personal experience of preparing to avoid problems in new spaces.
- And Crystal shares her unique experience of hunting as a person of color and how it amplified anxieties related to her personal safety in unknown interactions in primarily white spaces.
- Is it really your 2nd Amendment Right?
- We laugh about how people are surprised to find that people of color are in Colorado
- What type of demographic data are the ladies looking to collect in order to make a substantive business case for diversity and inclusion.
- I wonder about what the response has been.
- The economic reality of launching a platform like this. It’s not cheap.
- Pondering the experience of otherness
- We end the show with a hilarious TMI moment
Related Episodes
- Blackpackers with Patricia Cameron-To be released 5/19/2021
Mentioned During the Show
The Epic Guide to Moving to Colorado
Connect with Parker and Crystal
If you would like to support and share the Digital Green Book project or just follow what the ladies are up to check out the links below.
- Beta Launch City: Denver, CO June 19, 2021 (Juneteenth) Sign up to support and participate in the launch.
- Digital Green Book Go Fund Me campaign-They are almost at $83,000
- Environmental Learning for Kids program (Colorado)
- Kween Werk-Make sure to watch the TikTok videos!
Crystal Parker
Media Mentions on the Topic
- Police Called on Black Woman Using Pool At Hotel (that she was staying at)
- Black Man Gets Policed Called On Him While Depositing Check (for racial discrimination case that he won)
- Apparently Dan Price might be questionable…the $70,000 guy.
- The Hate Mail-Inclusive Journeys
Buy Me a Coffee
I love Colorado local coffee shops for so many reasons. Besides brewing great coffee and community they were the only places that I could work from for the past year (for the most part). The various patios around town were a welcome space to work on Square State and my other online projects. Please support this work with a one time or ongoing donation. Buy Me a Coffee today and I’ll share your name and which coffee shop I enjoyed on you! Also, the donations go towards my time and the cost of running the show.