Growing up in Denver, you get used to not getting a lot of respect for a lot of things. When you live in flyover country, people just don’t take you seriously. When it comes to basketball, we’re like the Chicago…
On Sunday, May 14, 2023 I had the pleasure of participating in the first ever ¡Viva Streets Denver! event. I want to share my experience, some things that I thought about that could improve the event because no event is…
I’ve never had the opportunity to visit Bogota, Colombia. But, it is high on my list of places to visit because of a unique car free event that I want to experience. Ciclovia. Every Sunday in Bogota a significant part…
What if I told you that Black Denverites have been visiting the mountains as part of rest and recreation since the early 1900’s? Did you know about Lincoln Hills, a historic Black vacation spot located in the foothills Denver. Many…
You’re probably noticing a theme with some of my blogging content. Where I address some annoying stereotypes that seem to exist and persist in media. These are beliefs such as Black people don’t hike, bike, camp or ski. Because I…